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  3. How Do I Book and Attend a Parents’ Evening Slot?

How Do I Book and Attend a Parents’ Evening Slot?

Parents can book a Parents’ Evening slot by logging in to their Edulink One account

Booking An Appointment

Parents must log in to Edulink One (either on the desktop/browser version or the app).  However, if they are downloading the app for the first time, then they must use the school ID or the school postcode to access the Edulink One login screen.

Parent Edulink One accounts are provided by your school, if you do not have an account, please contact your school.

 If you using an Android device, Google Chrome needs to be downloaded to your device if it doesn’t have it (older Samsung phones, for example, use their own browser).

Then, parents must log in using the username and password provided by the school. If they can’t remember their password, they can reset their password by following the instructions in the article How do I reset my password?

Your school must have Communicator configured to send parents passwords.

Book a Parents' Evening slot:  click the  More button
More Button

If parents cannot see Parents’ Evening on the main homepage, then they should select the More button to view additional features that are not in view.

Parents Evening button
Parents’ Evening Button

Next, parents select the Parents’ Evening button to book Parents’ Evening appointments for their child.

All Parents’ Evening events for a child will appear in the Parents’ Evening window. To access the booking window, click anywhere on the event.

Parent's Evening: click to book
Parents’ Evening Events
Phone View: Click on the event to book

If more than one child attends the school and they are attending the same event, parents can select which child they are looking for by checking their name in the top slots column next to “Learner:” and book as appropriate.

Then, the parent will see a table of all the teachers/ subjects they can make bookings for (if this is a form tutor event there may only be one). If more than one child is attending the event, scroll horizontally to see the subjects of the other child.

Parents' Evening booking table: Book a slot
Parents’ Evening Booking Table

Phone View:

Phone view: Tap to book

Next, parents click on a time slot to book the subject and teacher. They can add a comment here if there is something specific they would like to discuss with the teacher.

Book Parents' Evening slot window
Book Slot Window
Phone view: Book Slot

Booked slots appear in green. Some schools will not allow parents to book consecutive slots to give them time to move to the next appointment location— these blocked slots appear as a grey box with a red x.

The same grey box with a red x will appear on slots that have already been booked by another parent.

Booked and unavailable slots
Booked Slots and Unavailable Slots

All booked slots are automatically saved.

Unbooking An Appointment

To unbook an appointment, parents must log in to Edulink One and locate the Parents’ Evening button.

Following this, parents click on the Parents’ Evening Event in the Parents’ Evening window. Clicking on the event brings the parent to the booking window where they booked their time slots.

To Unbook a time slot, select the Booked appointment. This also applies when using a smartphone or device.

Unbooking an appointment

A window will appear with the option to Unbook the appointment in red.

Slot information and unbook button
Unbook Time Slot
Unbook Phone View

Slots that are still available to rebook appear in white. If a parent can no longer attend that appointment or Parents’ Evening, they can leave this subject blank or unbook all of their appointments.

Adding a Guest (Other Parent) to a Booking

This functionality must be enabled in the Parent Event tab by the school administrator before use. This only allows parents to add one guest per parent event.

Parents can add another parent or a person with parental responsibility to their bookings for parents’ evening. The other parent or person with parental responsibility must have an Edulink One account to do this.

The person booking should click on the event to book time slots for the parents’ evening.

Select an event

Once the parent has made their bookings as above, they can select whether they would like to add a ‘Guest’ to the booking by clicking the ‘Guest: +’ button at the top of the table.

Add guest button
Booking Parent’s View

A new window opens and you can select the guest from the dropdown menu. Only guests with parental responsibility and an Edulink One account will have this ability. Additionally, teachers and admin staff cannot book a guest for a parent, only parents can add a guest to their booking. Click ‘Save’ to add the guest.

Select the guest

The guest’s initials will appear next to ‘Guest’ at the top of the booking table. Your guest will be able to see all of the bookings made by you and will be able to print them, etc… However, they cannot make bookings for themselves.

Guest added

To view the appointments that the booking parent has made, the guest must log in to their Edulink One account, click on the Parents’ Evening icon and select the appropriate parent event.

Guest View of Parent Event
Guest View

If the guest decides they do not want to join the parents’ evening or they want to make bookings for themself, they can delete their guest status by clicking on their initials at the top of the window. Then they can click the bin icon to delete themself as a guest.

Delete guest status

If the other parent has made the bookings, the guest cannot ‘delete’ themself and try to add the other parent as a guest. The parent or carer who made the bookings first must be the one to add the guest.

Joining a Parent Event

If the parents’ evening is in person, the guest has full visibility of all bookings made— they can print and email the bookings to themselves as well. They simply need to arrive with the parent who booked the appointment and proceed to their bookings as usual.

If this is an online (video) conference, both parents can join the meeting by clicking on the event and then on the ‘Start Appointments’ button in the top left corner. This is particularly useful if parents are joining from two locations. They need to wait in the video conference ‘waiting area’ until the teacher starts the appointment.

Parent and guest in video conference

The owner of the account will appear in the top right window and will be labelled ‘Me’. On the large screen, the teacher will appear on one side and the other parent (or guest) will appear on the other. Each window will be labelled with the name of the person in the video.

You simply need to wait for the next appointment and the teacher for that class will start it.

If you are experiencing issues in your browser (both on your computer and/or your phone), please try switching to the Google Chrome browser. You can also read, ‘I am having trouble connecting to my parents’ evening, what should I check?’ for more information.

Once the parent’s bookings or modifications are complete, they can Print their Parents’ Evening Appointments or they can Email them to themselves.

Print button and Email Button for appointments
Print or Email Appointments
Phone View: Print/Email Buttons

Print View:

A PDF version of the bookings appears. Parents can save the file or open it with their browser.

PDF of Parents' Evening Bookings
Select Open with or Save file to Print

In their browser, parents have the option to print the PDF.

Image of print out of bookings
Image of Print Out

Email View:

An email confirmation will be sent to the parents’ Edulink One message box. This is located at the bottom of the Edulink One homepage.

Email view of bookings
Confirmation of Appointments in your Received Messages in Edulink One

Parents can return to change their bookings up until the date the school has stopped taking bookings.

How to Attend a Video Conference

On the day of the Parents’ Evening, parents need to log in to Edulink One and click on the Parents’ Evening icon to begin. This might be located in the ‘More’ section of Edulink One, depending on the number of features your school is using.

Parents' Evening Icon

A new window will open. They must click anywhere on the Parents’ Evening information, e.g. Year 8 Parents’ Evening.

Click anywhere on the event. Parents should check the date if they are unsure.

Once you have clicked on the event, a booking window will open. At the top of the table, there is a button called Start Appointments. Click on Start Appointments which will open the video conferencing.

Booking a Parent's Evening Video Conference: Start appointments button for video conferencing
Start Appointments for Video Conferencing

The child’s teacher will start the appointments at the correct time and the appointments will happen automatically— parents just need to have the video conference open. 

Video conference view
Video Conference View

The next appointment is shown at the top and the list of the following appointments is shown at the bottom.

Please note that parents will be cut off automatically at the end of the appointment time. This will be highlighted in the final 30 seconds by a red border.
The teacher has no control over this.

How Do I Book a Parents’ Evening (Video)

MIS Compatibility

MIS Compatibility
Updated on 7 June 2024

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