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  4. I am having trouble connecting to my Parents’ Evening, what should I check?

I am having trouble connecting to my Parents’ Evening, what should I check?

There are several things you can check if you are experiencing trouble with your connection in Parents Evening. You can use the network test feature provided by Twilio to ensure you will not have any issues on the school/home network. This applies to staff and parents.
The Parents’ Evening admin can ask all users to perform the network test, but it may be complex. Therefore, it is beneficial to get staff to test if they have issues connecting.

Use the following link for testing: https://networktest.twilio.com/?region=ie1

Additionally, you can try the following to see if it improves your connection:

1. Reboot your PC before logging on to Edulink One
2. Make sure there are no Windows Updates downloading or waiting for installation
3. Log in and start appointments 10 minutes early, this will identify most of the issues you might get on the device you are using.
4. Where possible use Chrome Browser, including on your mobile device. Avoid using Internet Explorer (which is no longer supported).
5. If on a Mobile device do not connect to the Parents Evening using a Mobile Data plan, try to use a Wi-Fi connection and make sure you have good connectivity (other users on the network are not streaming films or games)

6. Ensure you grant access to your cameras and microphones prior to the Parents’ Evening.

It may be beneficial to run a “test” Parent Event with your staff so that they familiarise themselves with the screen and process of moving between appointments.

For more information on Parents’ Evenings, you can read the following articles and watch the following videos:

  1. Creating a Parent Event
  2. Modifying a Parent Event
  3. Booking and Viewing a Parents Evening (Teacher)
  4. Booking and attending a Parents Evening (Parent)
  5. Booking a Guest on My Parents Evening
  6. Setting Up Twilio (Admins)

MIS Compatibility

MIS Compatibility
Updated on 18 July 2024

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