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  3. How Do I View and Book Parents’ Evening Appointments (Teacher)?

How Do I View and Book Parents’ Evening Appointments (Teacher)?

Teachers can view your bookings for Parents’ Evening or book appointments on their Learners’/ Parents’ behalf by logging in to your Edulink One account.

Viewing Your Appointments

Teachers must log in to Edulink One (either on the desktop/browser version or the app).  If they are downloading the app for the first time, then they can use the school ID or they can use the school postcode to access the Edulink One login screen.

Log in using the username and password provided by your school’s Edulink One Administrator. If the teacher can’t remember your password, they can reset their password by following the instructions in the article How do I reset my password?

Your school must have Communicator configured before resetting passwords.

Select the Parents’ Evening button to view and book appointments.

Depending on the teacher’s level of access, Parents’ Evening may be located in the More icon of Edulink One. They must click on More to view additional menu items.

View and Book Parents' Evening Appointments: Parents' Evening icon.
Edulink One Homepage

Teachers can view Active and Archived events in the Events Table, which provides them with a list of their upcoming parent events. Any old events appear in the archived area.

Teachers need to select the event they want to view by clicking on it.

Parent Event Table
Events Table

Teachers can view the status of their bookings in the Booking Table window— they will appear as booked or blocked in red.

Slots that appear in grey with N/A as the learner/parent are available time slots.

Slots that appear in white with the learner/ parents details are booked time slots.

Notes: The notes that appear in this area are specific subjects the parent may wish to discuss.

Book Parents Evening appointments: booking table
Booking Table

Blocking Time Slots

If the Edulink One Administrator has given teachers the option, they can block time slots to allow time off from appointments.

Teachers should select the Block button to the far left to block slots.

Cancel Booking: Teachers can cancel a learner/ parent’s booking by selecting the bin icon. This will delete the appointment.

Attended: Teachers need to record if a parent has attended Parents’ Evening by clicking on the checkmark. This will turn green.

Note: This only applies to in-person Parents’ Evenings. Parents’ Evenings that take place via Video Conference are automatically recorded for attendance.

Cancel and attending booking
Cancel Booking and Attended Booking

Booking Appointments

Teachers can book appointments on behalf of a learner or their parents. They need to select the Book button above the Booking Table window.

Teachers cannot book guests of parents. Only the parent booking can add a guest (other parent or carer) to a booking.

Book Parents' Evening appointments: book button
Book Appointments

Teachers should select the learner and parent that wishes to book.

Booking Window
Booking Window

Teachers need to click on Show Slots to view all available time slots. They must select an available slot that appears in white (all booked slots are in red).

Available slots for Parents' Evening appointments
Available Slots

Edulink One will return the teacher to the booking table where they can view the booking they have made.

Exporting/ Printing

Export or print their bookings when teachers select the Export button or the Print button.

Print or export Parents' Evening bookings

Print View:

A pdf file can be saved or opened in a browser to print.

PDF Parents' Evening Bookings
Open with or Save File
Event Information: Parents' Evening Appointments
Parents’ Evening Bookings

Print will only print your current bookings.

Printing your bookings on the date of Parents’ Evening will have up-to-date booking information.

Export View:

Teachers can export bookings as a .csv file by clicking Export.

Export bookings to .csv
Open With or Save File
.csv of Parents' Evening appointments
.CSV of Bookings

Teachers can view, save, modify or print their bookings as an Excel document.

Video Conferencing

Video conferencing is an option that schools might use if face-to-face appointments are not an option. For this to work, the school’s Edulink One administrators must enable this function.

On the day of the parent evening, teachers must log in to Edulink One and click on Parents’ Evening and Start Appointments

Video conferencing using Twilio: Start Appointments
Start Appointments

A video conferencing window will appear with the name and start time of the event. Teachers must start the appointments by opening Start Appointments before the first booking on the day of the Parents’ Evening.

Parent's camera view

The next appointment is shown at the top and the list of appointments is shown at the bottom.

Hangup Button

o Edulink One video conferencing is a hangup button to end your call early. The telephone button turns red when your appointment starts and can be used to ‘hang up’ if you need to at any point during the time slot.

Hangup button

Please note that you will be cut off automatically at the end of the appointment time. This will be highlighted in the final 30 seconds by a red border.

Guest (Other Parent) Bookings

This functionality must be enabled in the Parent Event tab by the school administrator before use. This only allows parents to add one guest per parent event.

Parents can add another parent or a person with parental responsibility to their bookings for the parents’ evening. The other parent or person with parental responsibility must have an Edulink One account to add them.

Teachers and admin staff who can book parents’ evening appointments on behalf of parents cannot book a guest for that parent. The booking parent is the only person who can add a guest to the parents’ evening.

Joining a Guest Parent Event

If the parents’ evening is in person, the guest has full visibility of all bookings made— they can print and email the bookings to themselves as well. They simply need to arrive with the parent who booked the appointment and proceed to their bookings as usual.

If this is an online (video) conference, teachers can start appointments by clicking on the ‘Start Appointments’ button as above.

The guest feature is particularly useful if parents are joining from two locations. They need to wait in the video conference ‘waiting area’ until the teacher starts the appointment.

Additionally, Edulink One selects the method of video conferencing that is most cost-effective for the school when creating the meeting.

Parent and guest in video conference

The teacher will appear in the top right window and will be labelled ‘Me’. On the large screen, the parents or carers will appear. Each window will be labelled with the name of the person in the video.

Note in a group call the location of the users depends on who is using which device.

Once the appointment is finished, teachers can hang up using the hangup button or the screen will flash red to indicate the last 30 seconds of the appointment. The appointment will automatically cut off when the appointment duration has been reached.

How Do I Book and Block Parents’ Evening Appointments? Video

MIS Compatibility

MIS Compatibility
Updated on 7 June 2024

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