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  4. Where do I update SIMS for information that is shown in Edulink One?

Where do I update SIMS for information that is shown in Edulink One?

Edulink One pulls information from the MIS (SIMS in this case), which it uses to ensure that data as well as category types are up to date. For some of the functionality in Edulink One, such as writing a behaviour incident or taking a register, SIMS will update live once information is saved in Edulink One.

However, if you are updating category-type information in SIMS, such as behaviour and achievement types, detention types, report card templates, medical events etc., then you will need to run a full cache before this information updates in Edulink One.

Behaviour Type Updates

You can update behaviour types in SIMS Tools/Setups and SIMS Tools/Lookups, depending on what you would like to update.

Any changes would be updated in Edulink One’s Behaviour tab in the administration settings, allowing you to customise the behaviour types, locations, activities etc., for your school. The changes will also be updated in the user interface in Behaviour once the types have been enabled.

Edulink One Where to Update in SIMS
Behaviour TypeTools/Setups/ Behaviour Management/Behaviour Type
Behaviour ActivityTools/Lookups/ Maintain/ Behaviour Activity Type
Behaviour Action TakenTools/Lookups/Maintain/ Behaviour- Action Taken
Behaviour StatusTools/Lookups/Maintain/ Behaviour Status
Behaviour TimeTools/Lookups/Maintain/ Behaviour Time
Behaviour LocationTools/Lookups/Maintain/ Behaviour Location

Detention Type Updates

You can update detention types in the Behaviour Management area of Setups in SIMS.

This will update the detention types available in the Detention icon. Detention management can be updated in the Behaviour tab in Edulink One’s administration settings.

Edulink OneWhere to Update in SIMS
Detention TypeTools/Setups/Behaviour Management/Detention Type
detention types

Report Card Template

To create a report card template, go to the Behaviour Management area of Setups and Lookups in SIMS.

Report cards created in SIMS can be filled in using Edulink One’s Registers and can be viewed by parents and learners in their Behaviour icons.

Report card in Registers

Report cards can be enabled in Edulink One’s Behaviour tab in the administration settings.

Edulink OneWhere to Update in SIMS
Report Card TemplateTools/Setups/Behaviour Management/Report Card Template
Tools/Lookups/Maintain/Report Card Target Type

Achievement Type Updates

Achievement types can be updated in the same areas of SIMS as behaviour types. To set up achievement types, go to the Behaviour Management area of Setups and then Achievement Type.

This will update the achievement types in the ‘Hide Types’ field in the Achievement tab. In the user interface, updates in these areas will update the achievement fields in Behaviour (for teachers) and in the Achievement icon (for parents and learners).

Edulink OneWhere to Update in SIMS
Achievement TypeTools/Setups/Behaviour Management/Achievement Type
Achievement Activity TypeTools/Lookups/Maintain/Achievement Activity Type

Document Type Updates

Document type updates in SIMS are reflected in the Documents tab in Edulink One’s administration settings and in the Document Messaging functionality.

Documents and Document Messaging settings for Edulink One are available in the Documents tab.

Only employees enabled in the Documents tab can send documents by document messaging. Parents and learners can see documents in their messages and in their Documents icon.

Edulink OneWhere to Update in SIMS
Document TypeTools/Lookups/Maintain/Document Type
Document type lookups

Medical Updates

Medical updates must be made by authorised employees in SIMS; any new event must be added there before being updated in Edulink One. A full cache is required before medical events are updated.

Parents can update the medical conditions of their children in their Update Information icon; however, they can only select the conditions from the list.

Update Information icon
Medical conditions lookups

If the condition is not on the list, this will need to be updated in SIMS Medical Conditions before it becomes available to select. The medical information of learners can be viewed in the Medical Info icon.

Medical Info

Medical Information is enabled in the General tab in Edulink One’s administration settings.

Edulink OneWhere to Update in SIMS
Medical ConditionsTools/Lookups/Maintain/ Medical Conditions
Medical Event TypeTools/Lookups/Maintain/Medical Event Type

Parental consent information can be updated by parents in Update Information (enabled in Data Collection), but the types of parental consents available must be updated in SIMS.

Parental Consent Lookups

Teachers can view parental consent information in their registers, but this must be enabled in the Registers tab.

Edulink One Where to Update in SIMS
Parental ConsentTools/Lookups/Maintain/Parental Consent
Parental Consent Lookups
Parental Consent in Registers

SEN Updates

For updates to SEN status and need type, you need to update the information in SEN Lookups. Information regarding SEN is used across multiple functions in Edulink One, but parents can view SEN information in the SEN icon. Teachers can view this through the Learners icon.

SEN Icon

SEN is enabled in the General tab.

Managers can update SEN strategies in a learner’s SEN information, but this does not update in SIMS.

Edulink OneWhere to Update in SIMS
SEN StatusTools/Lookups/Maintain/ SEN Status
SEN Need TypeTools/Lookups/Maintain/SEN Need Type
SEN lookups

Note that register tags and seating plan tags are pulled from the SEN section, including Gifted and Talented tags.

Student UDF Custom Tags

You can configure the custom tags you want to display on the register using student user defined fields (UDFs).

Student UDF custom tags

To do this, you must ensure the ‘User Defined Fields’ section in ‘Students’ has valid entries to pull through to your registers. The tags generated in Edulink One are boolean, meaning true or false (ON or OFF). The tag will be displayed on the register, but the corresponding information will not be displayed when you click on the student. If you require this information, you need to look it up in the MIS.

To add a new UDF in SIMS, go to Tools > Setups > User Defined Fields.

Student User Defined Field in SIMS

If you already have UDFs in SIMS or have added them, write the name of the UDF in the ‘Name’ field in Edulink’s Registers tab, select the UDF field from the dropdown list and choose a colour for the tag. Click ‘Add’ to finish.

Adding UDF name, UDF field and colour in the Registers tab.
Colour selector
Colour selector

To delete a UDF, click the X beside the tag.

Delete UDF
UDF tag in user interface
UDF as a tag in Registers
Edulink OneWhere to Update in SIMS
RegistersTools/Setups/User Defined Fields

MIS Compatibility

MIS Compatibility
Updated on 24 July 2024

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