Edulink One will always create a parent login for an employee and this is often based on the SIMS employee account that has the children associated with them. The reason employees’ children are added to an employee account is that when a student is added to SIMS, it checks if the parent exists already. Usually, this brings up a staff member’s employee account; therefore, the student tends to be associated with that account rather than creating a new account for the staff member as a parent.
This can produce some issues for employees, particularly if you are using Microsoft to log in. Some functionality may not work if the employee account is using the same email address as the parent account. For example, employees may not be able to book parents’ evening appointments for parents, which are associated with their employee accounts. This is because Edulink One is seeing the employee account as a parent account.
How to Resolve Employee Parent Accounts
Unfortunately, if your child is associated with your employee record in SIMS, Edulink will pull in the primary email address for both. Therefore you would need a separate account in SIMS. Your employee account should have your work email without the student associated and the parent contact should contain your personal email address.
To resolve this, go to SIMS and create a new contact account.
Add the employee’s personal details to this account and set their personal email address as primary.
Then associate their children with this account and save.
Next, search for the employee account, remove their associated children from it and make sure their work email is set as ‘primary’.
After you have finished resolving the accounts in SIMS, run a full sync in Edulink One. This will pull through the new contact account.
Send an Employee their Parent Account Credentials
If you are using manual accounts for parents, you can send the employee the login credentials of their parent account by going to the ‘Load User Accounts’ table in the Login tab.
You can use the filters to search by user type (parent) and name to find the correct account. Click on the email button to send the login details to the employee— this will be sent to their personal email address.
Linking Employee and Parent Messages
If you have a teacher or employee who is also a parent and has two accounts and would like to link their staff and parent messages, you will need to ensure that their staff work email is the primary for both their parent and staff account. This will ensure their parent messages go to their employee account. However, you need to be aware that this can cause issues and that certain login methods, such as Microsoft, need two distinct email addresses for an employee’s parent and staff account. Additionally, you need a unique email address to be able to reset your password for manual accounts.
Why Can’t An Employee See Their Child(ren)’s Photo(s)?
If an employee account in SIMS is associated with a child(ren) then their photo will appear on the top right-hand side of the screen.
However, if the employee has a contact account (parent account) which is associated with their child(ren), then the photo will not appear in their staff account, only their parent one.