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  3. How do I View and Modify My Forms?

How do I View and Modify My Forms?

You can view and modify your own forms in Edulink One. Managers cannot modify forms at present; however, they can view the forms of other employees.

To add managers to forms, configure the Forms tab.

Firstly, log in to Edulink One, locate the Forms icon and click on it to access your forms.

Forms Icon in Edulink One
Forms Icon

The forms window will open to the Active tab which displays all active forms from all employees. The other tabs in the table are the Archived tab and the Personal tab. Managers can archive all employee forms and employees can archive their forms.

Forms Table
Forms Table View

Modify Forms

To view a form, you must click either view or modify (view only for managers).

Note that at present managers can only modify another member of staff’s form if they clone it. To select another employee’s forms to view, simply change Teacher at the top right of your screen.

Clicking the Modify button allows you access to all aspects of a form, including subheading, paragraph, choice, email, text, respondents and so forth. To make modifications to your forms, make the changes in the fields and click update.

For managers, you would need to clone the forms designed by another member of staff to make the modifications.

View. Modify, Clone

You can change the dates and times by clicking on the calendars above the form fields and the title.

Modify Forms Window
Forms Window

You can also review and change choices and options. For managers, modifications can be made to these fields if you clone the form.

Modification to Choice Field
Choice Field

Likewise, can view and change email and text fields in your forms and make them multiline or required.

Modifications to Email and Text Fields
Email and Text Fields including Placeholder

Viewing Respondents

To view respondents, you should click the Respondents button.

Respondents Button
Respondents Button

The Respondents window will open and you can view and modify the fields of the original recipient type. For managers, to modify a form respondent you would need to clone a form and then modify the respondent there.

All respondent fields are visible including Year, Form, Class, Gender, SIMS Groups, House, Groups and Current or Applicant learners and you can modify these as you wish as the original form creator. However, if a manager would like to send a form to an individual learner or modify a form in any way they must clone it and then they can type the learner’s name in the Learner Name field.


Respondents Window
Respondents Window

Once you have finished viewing the form, you should click the Done button and you will return to the main Respondents window.

Done Button
Done Button

Next, if you are a manager click the X to exit the form.

Exit form for managers

Otherwise, form creators can save updates by clicking the Update button.

Update button

Viewing Submitted Forms

To view submitted forms, managers (or form creators) must log in to Edulink One and click on the Forms icon.

Forms Icon
Forms Icon

The forms appear in the table. To indicate that there is a submitted form, an orange box with View is located under the submitted column in the table.

Managers or form creators must click on the View button to see the submission.

View form submission
View Form

You can choose to delete the form, close the form to keep it visible, email non-responders and export the form. The form will be exported as a . CSV file.

View forms

All completed forms appear at the top of the table and forms without responses appear below them. As the form is exported as a . CSV file, it is easily customisable and can be printed and saved if required.

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Emailing Non-Responders

To send a message to all non-responders to your form, click the ‘View‘ button in the Active tab. Click the Non-Responders button and this will open your Communicator.

Non-responders button

A list of non-responders is generated in Communicator. You can click ‘Next Step‘ to compose your message.

You can generate an undeliverable list for any respondents that do not have email addresses. You can try contacting them in another way.

A list of non-responders

Compose your message to the non-responders and click the ‘Send‘ button when you have finished. You can send any attachments required or customise your message using the toolbar.

Compose message

A confirmation message will appear. If you are satisfied with your message, click ‘Send Messages‘ to send them to all non-responders to the form.

Send messages

A green confirmation message will appear if you have successfully sent the messages.

Confirmation message

Click on the X at the top of the Communicator screen to return to your main screen.

If you need to exit forms at any point, press the back arrow on the Forms icon.


Viewing, Modifying, Cloning and Completing Forms Video

MIS Compatibility

MIS Compatibility
Updated on 21 June 2024

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