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  3. How Do I Configure the Behaviour Tab?
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  3. How Do I Configure the Behaviour Tab?

How Do I Configure the Behaviour Tab?

Customise Your School’s Behaviour Log and Detention Management Using Edulink One’s Behaviour Tab.

Employees with administration access must log in to their Edulink One account and enter the administration settings to configure the Behaviour tab.

Edulink One’s Behaviour screen works with SIMS Behaviour Records and SIMS Detentions of the behaviour functionality of your MIS, allowing you to use your school’s existing behaviour structure to customise Edulink One’s settings. Once customised, Edulink One writes back behaviour incidents (or achievements) to your MIS.

Behaviour Tab
Behaviour Tab
Behaviour Icon: UI
Behaviour Feature User Interface

Enable Behaviour Screen

Enables which user types can see the Behaviour screen. Choose from All Employees, Teaching Staff, Learners and Parents, these groups are populated using your MIS data which can change, or Fixed Employee, Parent and Learner Groups, which you can configure in the User Groups tab (you must return to your administration set up to do this), allowing you to create custom fixed groups, e.g. SLT members.

Enable Behaviour Screen For
Behaviour screen (icon)
Behaviour Screen (also located in Learners for Staff)

Enable Detentions Tab

Enables which user types can view the detentions set. Choose from Dynamic Groups (changes based on your MIS data) or Fixed Employee, Parent and Learner Groups.

Enable Detentions Tab
Detentions tab visible in Learners/ Behaviour
Detentions Tab visible in the Learners icon/ Behaviour

Enable Incidents Tab

The ‘enable incident tab for’ setting allows you to select which user types can view incidents. Choose existing user groups (changes based on your MIS data) or create a fixed group in User Groups, e.g. Form Tutors.

Enable Incidents Tab
Behaviour Records- visible in the Learner icon/Behaviour
Enables Behaviour Records to be visible in the Learner icon/Behaviour

Enable Report Cards

Select which user types can view report card summary information. Choose from existing user groups (change based on your MIS data) or Fixed Employee, Parent and Learner Groups.

Report cards must be configured in SIMS before enabling this functionality.

Enable Report Card Summary
View report cards in Learners/Behaviour
View Report Cards in Learners icon/Behaviour

Enable report card detail for: Enables which user types can view full report card information. Choose from Dynamic Groups (changes based on your MIS data) or Fixed Employee, Parent and Learner Groups.

Enable report card detail
Report Card Details

Hide reason for report comment from: You may not want a user type to know why the student is on report so select the user type as required.

Hide Reason for Report Comment

Detention Management Settings

Detention management enabled: Enables detention management for specific employee groups (Teaching and All Employees). Choose from Dynamic Groups (all employees, teaching staff, learners, parents) or Fixed Groups created in the User Groups tab.

Detention Management Enabled
Detention Management

Restrict detention session create: Restricts the ability to create detention sessions for certain employees. Select the employees you wish to authorise from the dropdown menu and tick them.

Restrict Detention Session Create

Hide learner add button: Removes the Learner Add button from Detention Management. This prevents employees from adding students to detentions through the Detention Management feature in the main user interface.

Hide learner add button
Add Learner Button

Behaviour Type Settings and Points Editable

Disable types (on entry): Disables any behaviour types you do not want employees selecting when entering behaviour incidents. Select the behaviour types you would like to restrict by ticking the box.

Disable behaviour types
Disable Behaviour Types
Disables these behaviour types in the behaviour screen.
Disables these behaviour types in the Behaviour screen

Points editable: Allows employees to edit behaviour points value when enabled. Set to ON if you would like to use this feature.

Points editable is set to OFF by default to pull the points directly from SIMS. Carefully consider whether you would like staff to be able to edit the behaviour points.

Points Editable
Edit Behaviour Points
Points Editable

Hide types (when viewing): Allows you to select behaviour types you wish to hide from users when viewing. Tick the behaviour type(s) you wish to hide from view.

‘Hide types’ applies to all users.

Hide Types (when viewing)

Hide Behaviour Fields

Hide Fields (when learner viewing): Select behaviour fields you wish to hide from learner view, e.g. Status of the incident or Comments regarding the incident. Tick the fields you wish to hide.

Hide Fields (When Learner Viewing)

Hide Fields (when employee viewing): Select behaviour fields you wish to hide from employee view. Tick the fields you wish to hide or leave on (no restrictions) to allow full access to behaviour records for employees.

Hide Fields (when employee viewing)

Hide Fields (when parent viewing): Select behaviour fields you wish to hide from parent view, e.g. Comments, Teacher regarding the incident. Tick the fields you wish to hide.

It is recommended you hide Comments, Teacher as this could breach GDPR if another student is mentioned in a comment.

Hide Fields (when parent viewing)

Hide Fields (when writing): Allows you to hide optional fields when an employee is adding behaviour records in Edulink One, e.g. Actioned by, Location, Activity etc…

Hide Fields in Advanced (when editing)

Require fields (when writing): Require that certain optional fields are included when writing a behaviour incident. Select the fields required from the dropdown menu and tick.

Required Fields

Show Behaviour and Detentions From (Date)

Show behaviour from: Hides any behaviour records before the date entered. Recommend setting to the start of the current academic year.

Show behaviour from

Show detentions from: Hides any detentions before the date entered. Recommend setting to the start of the current academic year.

Show detentions from

To help speed up your cache, ensure your dates in the ‘show behaviour from’ and ‘show detention from’ fields are set to the current academic year.

Behaviour for Learning

Enable behaviour for learning: Some schools choose to use custom registration codes on the lesson registers to record students’ behaviour in lessons (as well as attendance), for example

“1” Present and excellent behaviour
“2” Present and good behaviour
“3” Present and missing equipment
“4” Present and poor behaviour

If your school does this, you can enable this setting to display graphs per subject based on this data.

Enable behaviour for learning

Show data to: Select user types that can see behaviour data. Choose from existing user groups (changes based on your MIS data), which include all employees, teaching staff, learners and parents and fixed employee, parent and learner groups.

Show data to

Use these mark codes: Select all the registration codes that your school also uses for behaviour (based on the example above 1,2,3,4).

Use these mark codes

Behaviour Scales (Arbor Only)

The ‘Behaviour scales’ function allows you to decide which point award scales you would like to pull into the Behaviour functionality in Edulink One. It also allows you to decide what point award scales you would like to write back to.

Edulink One will pull in incidents from Arbor as well as point award scales selected here. It extracts behaviour records associated with incidents and the points given on the point award scales for incident types.

If a behaviour is added in Edulink One, Edulink will automatically decide where to write the behaviour back to depending on the incident type and if that type is also associated with the point award scales selected in the administration settings.

Behaviour Event Types (Bromcom Only)

Click Save to save your settings.

Behaviour Management Count Records (iSAMS Only)

If selected, this setting displays the total number of records for behaviour and achievement instead of points.

Save button
Save Button

MIS Compatibility

MIS Compatibility
Updated on 6 February 2025

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