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  3. How Do I Add Behaviour or Achievement in Edulink One?
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  3. How Do I Add Behaviour or Achievement in Edulink One?

How Do I Add Behaviour or Achievement in Edulink One?

First, log in to Edulink One using your credentials to access the homepage. Then, locate the Behaviour screen by selecting the Behaviour icon in your Edulink One. You can also add behaviour and complete reports cards in the Registers screen.

Behaviour Icon
Behaviour Icon

A window opens allowing you to see the learners in your classes and the learner variables that you can filter. You can search a learner by name, or select from several filters, including Year, Form, Class, Gender, SIMS Groups, Groups (global or your customised groups) and House.

Selected button: Enables you to select several learners when you wish to add a Bulk Behaviour or Bulk Achievement.

Behaviour Window
Behaviour Window

In the viewing pane, you can view information about learners, as well as the behaviour points and achievement points they have accumulated.

Behaviour Points and Achievement Points
Behaviour Points and Achievement Points

Click on the image of a learner to add behaviour or achievement points. Additionally, this also creates a record of the behaviour incident or achievement.

Add Behaviour and Add Achievement
Add Behaviour and Add Achievement

Add Behaviour

Please note that available fields differ between MISs.

Select the Add Behaviour button to add a behaviour incident to an individual learner.

Add Behaviour button
Add Behaviour

The Add Behaviour window will open where you can fill out fields related to the behaviour incident, including sanctions or resolutions, depending on your school’s behaviour policy.

Add Behaviour Window
Add Behaviour Window

Behaviour Type: Select from a dropdown menu of behaviours to record in your incident.

You can only record one type of behaviour at a time in this field. If you need to enter further behaviour types, you need to select Additional Types to add more behaviours.

Behaviour types
Behaviour Types

Additional Types: Located next to Behaviour Types, you can add additional behaviours for a learner which accompany the main incident, e.g. Main Incident: Inadequate Work in Class, Additional Types: Not Equipped for Lesson. Check all that apply.

Additional Types
Additional Types

Bullying: If you select Bullying as the Behaviour Type, select from the Bullying dropdown menu, which details the specific type of bullying, e.g. cyberbullying.

Bullying Type

Activity: The type of activity that the learner was participating in at the time of the incident, e.g. English.


Action Taken: Select the Action that you have taken regarding the behaviour incident. If this requires further intervention from the Behaviour Team, select Further Intervention Required.

Action Taken
Action Taken

Location: Where an incident has taken place, e.g. classroom.

Location of Behaviour Incident

Action Taken Date: Select the date the action or sanction was taken.

Action date taken
Action Taken Date

Actioned By: The employee who acted. Select the appropriate employee from the list.

Actioned by
Actioned By

Time: Select the time of the action, e.g. after school.

Time of Action
Time of Action

Status: The status of the action or sanction. If the behaviour type warrants further intervention by the behaviour team, and cannot be resolved by the Teacher or one of the Faculty Leaders (e.g. assault), select Further Intervention Required.

Status of the action or sanction

Points: The behaviour points allocated for a particular behaviour type. This is automatically generated from SIMS.

Behaviour Points

If you have chosen to allow teachers or other employees to edit behaviour points, you can do so by changing Points editable to ON in the Behaviour tab. Otherwise, it is set to OFF by default to pull the points directly from SIMS.

Detention: This allows you to set a detention for the learner. The menu allows all employees to see which detentions have already been set, their dates and times. If the detention you intend to set is at the same time as another (either for you or the student), you can select another available detention from the list.


Comments: This allows you to add relevant detail to the behaviour record by commenting on the incident.

Behaviour Comments

Click the Submit Behaviour button to submit the behaviour incident. A message will display stating ‘behaviour successfully submitted/added’.

If you choose to also set a detention, a message will pop up stating ‘detention successfully added’.

Submit Bahviour Button
Submit behaviour button

Notifications of behaviour and detentions added in Edulink One will be sent to relevant parties, such as parents and Heads of Year, if the notifications have been configured in the Notifications tab and the Communicator Tab.

Notifications can also be added for achievement.

Note: Detention notifications are sent when they are assigned in Edulink but not SIMS. If a behaviour incident is recorded in SIMS, Edulink One will send a notification to parents regarding the behaviour.

If your school has enabled Behaviour for Learning in the Behaviour tab, lesson behaviour will be recorded through registers.

Behaviour logs cannot be modified in Edulink One. If you need to modify a behaviour log, you need to change it in SIMS.

Adding Bulk Behaviour

To add bulk behaviour for a larger group of learners, select the Bulk Add Behaviour button from the Behaviour screen.

Note that Bulk Behaviour and Bulk Achievement write live to SIMS. However, the updated points will only be visible on the individual learner screen. A cache build will need to take place before points are updated on the bulk behaviour/achievement screen.

Bulk Add Behaviour or Bulk Add Achievement buttons
Bulk Add Buttons

Select the learners you wish to add by clicking on their images. Tick Selected to view all of the learners.

You can also filter by MIS Groups, meaning User Defined Groups and Discover Groups appear under this field. This also applies to Achievement.

Select the learners and click the selected box
Add Bulk Behaviour

Click Next when you have selected all the learners you would like to add a behaviour incident for.

Proceed as you would for an individual behaviour incident by selecting the appropriate behaviour types and actions from the filters.

Click the Submit Behaviour button when complete. A message will appear stating ‘Behaviour successfully submitted’. If you have added a detention, a message will state ‘Detention successfully added’.

If you do not see these messages, there might be an error or a compulsory field you did not fill in.

Submit Behaviour
Add Bulk Behaviour

Achievement Points

If you have chosen to allow teachers or other employees to edit achievement points, you can do so by switching Points Editable to ON in the Behaviour tab. Otherwise, it is set to OFF by default to pull the points directly from SIMS.

‘How Do I Add a Behaviour?’ Video

Add Achievement

To add an achievement, click on the image of an individual learner and select the Add Achievement button.

Add Achievement
Add Achievement Button

The Add Achievement window will open where you can add in fields related to the achievement.

Achievement Window
Achievement Window

Achievement Type: Select from a dropdown menu of awards you would like to add.

Achievement Types
Achievement Type

Additional Types: Specify the event or the activity related to an achievement award. Check all additional achievement types that apply.

Additional Types (achievement)

Activity: Add the activity or curriculum area for which the achievement is earned.


Points: The achievement points allocated for a particular achievement type. This is automatically generated from SIMS.

Achievement Points

Add Comment: Add relevant comments to accompany the achievement, detailing the reason for awarding the learner.

Add Achievement Comment
Add Comment

Once the achievement is added, select the Submit Achievement button. A message will display stating ‘Achievement successfully submitted’.

Submit Achievement
Submit Achievement

Adding Bulk Achievement

To add a bulk achievement for a group, select the Bulk Add Achievement button and proceed in the same way as Bulk Behaviour— select the relevant learners, tick Selected to view your learners and click the Next button.

Fill in the necessary fields by selecting from the filters. Once complete, click Submit Achievement.

Submit Achievement
Add Bulk Achievement

A message appears that states ‘Achievement successfully submitted’.

‘How Do I Add an Achievement?’ Video

Create Bulk Behaviour and Bulk Achievement Groups

Create a group for adding bulk behaviour and bulk achievement. Select the + Create group button after you have clicked the Bulk Behaviour or Bulk Achievement button.

Creating Bulk Groups
+ Create group

Name your group and choose whether you would like the group to be Global, meaning all employees would have access to this group to add bulk behaviour or bulk achievement. The group will also be added to your messages and other aspects of Edulink One.

Add Group
Group details

Next, the group will be added to the Groups dropdown menu.

Select the group you would like to add bulk behaviour or bulk achievement to from the Groups list.

Select Group
Groups Menu

You can select the entire group by ticking the Select All box above the learners’ images, or you can select individual learners by clicking on their images and ticking the Selected box.

Tick Select All to select the entire group.
Select All

Click Next to add the bulk behaviour or bulk achievement as above.

To exit Behaviour, click on the X in the Behaviour window orpress the back arrow on the Behaviour icon.

Behaviour icon: Back
Back Arrow

MIS Compatibility

MIS Compatibility
Updated on 12 June 2024

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