If you find that a user is getting an error stating ‘your login with … has failed because [your email] is associated with multiple records’, it is because there are multiple MIS IDs associated with the email address.
![Login with ... has failed: [your email] is associated with multiple records](https://support.overnetdata.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/email-associated-with-multiple-records.jpg)
This is often seen when two parents/carers use the same email address but have different MIS IDs. It is ideal for all users to have different email addresses registered in the MIS to prevent this error from occurring.
Additionally, you may see this error if you have a parent that already has a child at the school but also has an applicant child. In this case, sometimes a parent is assigned another MIS ID for an applicant child, which would cause the error. You would need to change the MIS ID on the parent account for the applicant child to match the existing parent account in your system.
Usually, most staff members that are also parents of children at your school have the same MIS ID and this would not impact the login. However, there may be instances where a member of staff that is also a parent was accidentally assigned two MIS IDs. In this case, select the ID associated with the staff account and add it to the parent account.