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  3. Can I Modify and Clone Archived forms?

Can I Modify and Clone Archived forms?

Modify and clone archived forms in Edulink One by selecting the Archived tab in forms. If you want to add a form to the archive, read the following article about archiving forms.

Log in to Edulink One and click on the Forms icon to access the Archived tab in the forms window.

Forms Icon in Edulink One
Forms Icon

The Archived tab is the middle tab located at the top of the forms window. Click on the tab to view all of your archived forms.

Archived tab
Archived Tab

Modifying a Form

To view the content of a form, click the Modify icon.

Modify Icon

The modify window will appear where you can make changes to the form. You can choose to modify the name, dates and times and various form fields, such as subheading, paragraph choice, email and text.

Modify an archived form.
Modify Archived Form

Furthermore, you can modify respondents if you wish by clicking the Respondents button.

Respondents Button
Respondents Button

Select the fields you would like to modify from, Learner name for an individual learner, or select the Year, Form, Class, Gender, SIMS Groups, Groups, House, Current or Applicant learners.

You cannot modify the respondent type in the modify window. You can modify respondent types if you clone a form.

Learner Name
Learner Name
Respondent Fields
Respondent Fields

Alternatively, select an image of a learner or learners that you would like to respond to the form. In the instance that you would like to select a small group of learners, you can use the filter to narrow the search fields, then select the learners from their images and tick the Selected box.

Click Done when you have modified the respondents of the form.

Select respondents to modify any archived respondents.
Modify Archived Respondents

You will return to the main modification window. Click Update to update the changes to the form.

Update Button.

If you plan to use the modifications in an archived form, untick the Archived Box in the form to return it to the Active tab.

It is more likely that you would clone an archived form and then make changes rather than modify a form to reactivate it; however, it is an option that is available.

Cloning an Archived Form

To clone an archived form, follow the same login process as above and click the Clone icon in the Archived tab.

Clone Icon

The form will ask you to select an Available From date and time. Simply select the date and time you would like the form available and click the Clone button.

Clone an archived form, press the clone button.
Clone an Archived Form

Once you have clicked the clone button, the cloned form will appear in the Active section of the table. Modify the form with your changes using the same method for cloning an active form.

You do not need to untick the Archived box when you are cloning a form to return it to the Active tab. The act of cloning the form will return it to the active section automatically.

Viewing, Modifying, Cloning and Completing Forms Video

MIS Compatibility

MIS Compatibility
Updated on 21 June 2024

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