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Administration Settings and Setup (Welcome tab)

Accessing the Login Screen

You can access your Edulink One Administration Settings using the web-based user interface at https://www.edulinkone.com. In this section, enter your school’s ID (you can also use your school’s postcode).

Web based User Interface for Edulink One
Web-Based User Interface

Then, enter the username and password according to the login method you are using. This would be decided during setup. Schools usually elect to log in using single sign-on with Microsoft or Google or by using LDAP.

Login Screen
Login Screen

If using LDAP authentication for staff and students, users can use their normal school login credentials to log in to the system. Additionally, Edulink One integrates with existing Microsoft or Google platforms, so you can use the same credentials to log in to Edulink. Overnet Data Support will check to ensure the administrator credentials are working during your initial Edulink One setup.

Configuration and Administration Settings

Click on the cog in the top left corner and select Administration.

Only authorised employees have access to this section.

Administration Settings
Administration Settings

If your installation is on the Overnet Data Cloud or if you have multiple schools connected to the same Edulink Integrator server, you need to enter the School ID or postcode you are searching for. You should log in with the same credentials you use to log in to the main interface.

The Welcome Tab

The main ‘Edulink One Setup’ screen appears when you click on ‘Administration‘ or log into the setup screen. The Welcome tab includes information regarding setup, support contact, the admin guide, usage statistics and cache refresh options.

Welcome Tab
Welcome Tab

Additionally, the main setup screen features different tabs linking to the functionality of Edulink One. Clicking on a tab allows you to configure a feature, such as Admin.

Usage Statistics: Administrators can view the statistics of different users within the last 30 days and the last 12 months. The colours represent the percentage of users that are most active on Edulink One and on which platform they access most.

Welcome Tab: Usage Statistics

Cache Status

You can also view your cache status on the Welcome page. It will show when your last full cache has taken place and how long it has taken to run.

Cache status times

The status will show up as green if the last cache is ‘OK’; however, if there is an error, it will turn red and will prompt you as to what the error could be.

Last sync OK
Status: Last Sync OK
Failed sync
Failed Sync status

Agent Status

If your Edulink One Agent is OK, no status update will show and you can continue as normal. However, if there is an issue with the Agent, two possible Agent status prompts will appear: yellow indicates a warning and red for a critical agent state.

Warning: Agent State
Agent critical status

Running a Cache

If you would like to run a cache refresh, log in to Edulink One and click on the Administration settings in the cog at the top of the screen. Then, scroll to the bottom of the Welcome screen (Setup) and select one of the following buttons:  Sync All (SIMS and Arbor), Sync Documents Only, Sync Students + Applicants, Sync Contacts + Student Relationships, Sync Employees and Sync LDAP(SIMS only). Selecting one of the cache buttons will automatically begin a sync.

Note that for Arbor and Bromcom only Sync All is available.

Cache buttons

You will be notified if a cache is running, e.g. a documents cache by a message stating that a ‘cache sync in progress’. It will also tell you when it started and what type of cache it is.

However, if a cache is currently running and you need quick access to a specific sync, e.g. documents, you can click the sync you need to override a sync in progress. A message will appear asking if you would like to continue and interrupt the current sync; if you press ‘Yes’ this will force a cache and you will have your information much faster, usually in 15 minutes.

Click 'Yes' to force a cache (sync)

A ‘Documents Only‘ cache allows you to pull through reports and documents from your MIS.

Documents only sync button

For a ‘Students + Applicants‘, ‘Contacts + Relationships‘ and ‘Employees‘ cache, this will pull through data relating to the different groups, whether it be adding new students or employees or updates to information required for data collection.

Sync students + applicants, sync contacts +student relationships, sync employees

Lastly, the ‘LDAP‘ cache will allow administrators to pull through information to Edulink One from their LDAP faster, for example, if you’ve added an email for a new member of staff that you need to pull through.

Sync ldap

Additional Information

For information regarding the setup for each individual feature (tab), see the categories on the Knowledge Hub homepage.

You can add administrators for the Edulink One account by clicking on the Admin tab. See ‘How do I add Admin Users to our Edulink One account?‘ to help you set up your admin users.

MIS Compatibility

MIS Compatibility
Updated on 7 June 2024

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